Nobody Talks About This When It Comes To Selling Your High Ticket Offers Online

Jacob Caris
2 min readNov 25, 2022

Offer timing is one of the most overlooked & under discussed parts of selling.

I was sitting up at the hospital last week as my Dad was getting treatment & had someone chasing me via email.

It has nothing to do with their offer, their ability, the price, the guarantee, the deliverables etc

But with what was going on for me at that time there wasn’t a chance in hell I was signing up.

A lot of cowboys in the industry would blindly go:

“oh you’re not committed if you don’t join now & pay in full”

Again, nothing to do with commitment.

Just the timing isn’t right.

Don’t buy into the BS that if people don’t join at your command they aren’t committed or serious.

It also doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your offer.

Your prospects are real people, with real lives, with real families, going through real things.

Your offer is just 1 thing on a list of many others they’re juggling.

Try the opposite of what you’re told.

Give people the room to think about it.

Tell them to sleep on it.

Make saying ‘no’ or ‘not now’ a 100% okay option.

Allow them to revisit it when the timing is right for them.

In the interim, just keep doing your thing.

Keep building your brand.

Keep helping your clients.

Keep making the offer better & more of a ‘no brainer’.

Keep making a public case through your content that is so compelling when the time IS right you’re front of mind & the only option.

Trust me — they’ll appreciate you giving them the room to think, process & deal with the other stuff going on.

Yeah you might lose a few.

So be it.

The ones you get might just go on to be some of the best clients you’ve ever had & work with you for years.

Extend the time horizon, give people room & time.

Slow down.

You’ll have more fun.

When the time is right for you, my team & I are here to help. You can join my email newsletter & free private community at the link below:




Jacob Caris

Helping Personal Brands Make $100k — $1M+ / Year More With Highly Leveraged Digital Offers.